Current Situation according to Bank Indonesia
By paying attention to the characteristics of society today related to the city of Cirebon as a transit city, commodities such as rice, chilies, in the context of inflation... production from Ciayumajakuning comes out of Cirebon
And by looking at distribution developments, rice trade flows, etc. controlling egg prices from East Java even though there is an egg center in Kuningan
So what is the flow of trade in grain and rice, whereas rice fields are not characteristic of the city of Cirebon?
Looking at this situation, there are several inputs from several agencies including:
Cirebon City BPS:
The task of BPS is to calculate inflation, based on Sbh 2022 there are 375 commodities in 11 groups, in March inflation was high due to the commodity phenomenon of increases in shallots, carrots, train fares, inter-prop transportation, travel, rental
Meanwhile, the commodity phenomenon that fell was rice, purebred chicken eggs, long beans
The role of Kadin in facilitating business and assistance has been determined without any outreach to direct users
Socialization is needed for business actors to create partnerships between farmer prices and market prices. For farmers, prices have dropped, prices have dropped by almost half.